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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mother's anger as girl, three, is sent home from nursery looking like this after being beaten black and blue by a two-year-old nicknamed Chucky

-Girl was taken to hospital with suspected fracture to her eye socket following attack
-'Out of control' two-year-old is nicknamed 'Chucky' after violent doll from the film Child's Play
-Parents demand nursery expels 'out-of-control' girl after she 'attacks 10 other children'

By Kerry Mcqueeney

Injuries at the hands of a two-year-old: Katie's mother said her daughter looked like she had been mauled by a dog

The mother of a little girl who was beaten black and blue by an 'out-of-control' two-year-old at nursery has called for the child's expulsion.

Katie Ann Guttridge, aged three, sustained a bruised eye socket, scratches and three bite marks when she was attacked by her classmate during playtime at Ratby Pre-School Nursery in Leicester.

The little girl's mother, Clara Mackow, said her daughter was almost blinded in the attack and that her injuries were so bad that she was taken to hospital with a suspected broken eye socket.

'Almost blinded': Katie Ann Guttridge had to be taken to hospital after the attack because doctors thought she had broken her eye socket

Police were called in to investigate the assault but were powerless to act because the girl who attacked Katie is below the legal age of criminal responsibility - which in this country is 10 years old.

When confronted by journalists, the mother of the violent girl refused to discuss her child's behaviour, saying only: 'My daughter is two years old. I want nothing more to do with this.'

Now, parents are demanding the child - who has been dubbed 'Chucky' after the violent child-like doll in the horror film Child's Play - be removed from the nursery after she attacked 10 other children.

Ms Mackow, 28, a trainee goldsmith, said she couldn't believe it when she saw her daughter after the attack on December 13, adding: 'I just cried.

'She had gashes to her lips and a terrible black eye. Katie looked like she had been in a fight with a dog that had mauled her.

'We had to take her to hospital because the doctors thought she had fractured her eye socket.

'She was almost blinded in the attack which was totally unprovoked. I know kids get into scrapes but my daughter was really hurt in this attack.'

It has been claimed the two-year-old, who has not been identified, has attacked 10 other children since she started the nursery in September.

Ms Mackow, who also has a five-year-old son Joshua, said: 'The little girl is two but she has behavioural problems.

'The little girl who attacked her has a history of beating up other children. She's out of control.

'I know 10 other children have been assaulted by the girl since September. The staff at the nursery don't seem able to cope with the difficult children.

'Ironically, the little girl's mother is a child minder with close links to the nursery and school so the staff consider her one of their own and seem reluctant to discipline her.

'Nursery and pre-school should be fun and enjoyable but Katie is scared of going now and doesn't even want to go outside in case she bumps into the girl who hurt her.'

Katie and the girl started at the pre-school and nursery, held in Ratby Village Hall, at the same time in September.

Official nursery incident reports showed Katie has been attacked on four separate occasions by the same girl.

The nursery's Accident/Injury form states that on September 22 the girl hit Katie on the forehead with a 'plastic yellow drummer'.

On October 11 the same girl 'pushed two duplo bricks together pinching Katie's left hand.'

On November 5 the same child 'grabbed Katie's hair and face and sucked her cheek causing a mark.'

The incident was deemed so serious nursery managers sent a letter home to Katie's parents explaining her injuries.

But the most serious attack happened on December 13 when the girl cornered Katie in the book area of the nursery.

Nursery staff applied an ice pack to Katie's face to reduce the swelling and called in her father Lewis Guttridge to collect her and take her to hospital.

Mr Guttridge, 32, a property developer and commercial landlord, said: 'Katie is normally such a bubbly little girl but this seems to have frightened her and left her very nervous and scared to be around other children.

'I was horrified that my daughter has been exposed to such violence in a place which should be safe.

'I understand the police can't do anything because of the girl's age but the nursery should expel her.'

Ms Mackow also alleged that the eight childminders at the nursery were ‘more interested in drinking tea’ than caring for the youngsters.

She said: ‘When Lewis went to pick Katie up he saw that six of the eight staff who were on duty were all drinking tea in a side room and chatting about the weather.

‘No one seemed to be looking after the children who were in the main hall.

Under fire: Parents have criticised the Ratby Pre-school Nursery (pictured) for not removing the child

‘I have to say the staff are more laid back than I would want but you just put your faith in them and trust that they will look after your child.

‘If Katie has been attacked by the same girl in a period of just three months how many other children have been assaulted?

‘When I spoke to the staff about how Katie got her latest injuries they told me no one had seen the attack.

‘I wanted to know why but they said it happened in the book area of the hall and no one saw it happen.

‘Katie told me the girl had attacked her and other children backed her up.’

The nursery did not respond to these allegations when they were put to them
Katie went to the nursery three days a week between 9am-3.30pm at a cost of £3.75-an-hour.

The nursery has a maximum of 26 children aged between two and four years old but has more than 100 youngsters on their books and waiting list.

Ms Mackow is now preparing to take legal action against the nursery claiming negligence.

She added: ‘I am not doing this for the money, I just want parents to be aware that when they drop their children at nursery or pre-school they should not blindly believe they will be safe.’

Record: Official nursery incident reports showed Katie has been attacked on four separate occasions

Other parents of the 25 children at the nursery are also calling for the girl to be booted out.

One mother, whose son was also beaten up by the girl, said: 'The little girl is a nightmare.

'If there's a child who has been hurt the other mums and dads always say "has Chucky been at it again?".

'It's no laughing matter for the kids though, they are terrified of this little girl who has a really vicious streak.

'My son is four and he came back from the pre-school shaking and sobbing because the little girl had threatened to beat him up with a toy brick if he didn't give her a book he was reading.

'She's terrorising the other kids and the staff don't lift a finger to stop her.'

An injury form filled out by the nursery on the day of the attack stated: 'Another child told me Katie was crying.

'I picked her up and noticed three bite marks to her face, her left eye, left jaw and left lip.'

Jill Bottrill, manager of Ratby Pre-school Nursery, said: 'We are working closely with the local authority and parents and the pre-school.'

Leicestershire Police on Wednesday confirmed they had investigated the attack.

A spokeswoman said: 'We did get a report from the parents who came into the police station and said their daughter had been injured at a nursery by another child.

'The girl is below the age of criminal responsibility so there is nothing else the police can do.

'We suggested the parents contact the nursery and other agencies.'



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