By Daily Mail Reporter
A mother-of-two has celebrated her divorce by getting a full-body tattoo - from her new boyfriend
Jacqui Moore, 41, has had 85 per cent of her flesh inked with a continuous black and grey 'full body-suit' tattoo, a process which has taken eight years.
Just her left armpit, half her right leg and most of her face has been left uncovered.Covered: Jacqui Moore has been given a full-body tattoo by her boyfriend Curly
But she hopes to complete the tattoo by getting the final 15 per cent of her body daubed next Spring.
Jacqui, a gardener at a private school in Oxford, fell for tattooist Andreas Moore, nicknamed 'Curly', 45, after divorcing from her husband Martin in March 2003 after a seven-year marriage.
She said: 'I went to get a new tattoo to symbolise my freedom and the new chapter in my life. When I got to the parlour I met Curly and we fell in love and he has been tattooing me since.A past life: Jacqui, pictured with her daughter, only got the tattoo after her divorce in 2003
'Lots of people treat me differently: some are very nice, while I get a lot of funny looks from other people. Some people even tell me I look disgusting.
'But I am proud of my body - I see it as a work of art. My eldest says she is not too keen on it but she has two tattoos herself, so she can't object that much.'
Curly spent 35 hours tattooing her right leg with swirling Indian and Tibetan flowers.
Unusual: But Jacqui's employer, an Oxford private school, doesn't mind her body art
Her complex single tattoo includes a swarm of dragonflies on her back and a large spider's web etched onto her stomach with tarantulas crawling over her midriff.
Jacqui even has a tattoo of an open eye inside her right armpit.
Curly doesn't charge Jacqui for her tattoos - if he did, she would have racked up a staggering £13,440 bill.
Jacqui said: 'I love seeing my body change every time Curly tattoos me. It's an incredible journey of self-discovery.
'My employers respect my art and are happy for me to continue with my project.'
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Say it with ink: Woman celebrates divorce by asking new partner to tattoo her ENTIRE body

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