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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My indispensable grandpa, by Prince Harry: The young royal pays tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh

By Rebecca EnglishPrince Harry has said he does not believe the Queen can now carry out her public duties without the Duke of Edinburgh by her side.In an interview to mark her Diamond Jubilee, the prince pays tribute to his 85-year-old grandmother’s stoicism and sense of duty.But he makes it clear that none of her achievements would have been possible without the unswerving support of her 90-year-old husband.‘Regardless of whether my grandfather seems to be doing his own thing, sort of wandering off like a fish down the river, the fact that he’s there – personally, I don’t think that she could do it without him, especially when they’re both at...

Hot-headed stag gets the ultimate cold shower as he plummets down a waterfall protecting his harem of females

Rescuers winch animal to safety after he gets stranded in freezing river By Kerry McqueeneyA rescuer risks his life by lying on the ice as he attaches the winch rope to the stagWhen this hot-headed stag tried to protect his harem of females in the Austrian Alps, he didn't bank on getting the ultimate cold shower treatment.The beast was patrolling the banks of a river when he took a tumble and fell down a waterfall.Stranded and exhausted, the animal was eventually spotted by skiers close to the mountain resort of Dienten am Hochkonig.Rescue operation: Fire fighters were among those who helped winch the stag from the foot of the waterfallTrapped:...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don't hurt my baby! Pregnant orang-utan protectively hugs her daughter as ruthless Borneo bounty hunters move in for the kill

-Pair saved at last minute by Brit-based animal rescue group-Palm oil firms trying to clear plantations said to be offering £70 for each orang-utan killed on the Borneo palm oil plantationsBy Richard ShearsAs bounty hunters with bush knives entrapped them in a circle and moved in for the kill, the only thing this mother orang-utan could think to do was to wrap a giant protective arm around her daughter.The pair seemed to be facing a certain death as a gang of hunters surrounded them in Borneo, keen to cash in on the palm oil plantations' bid to be rideof the animals.But, happily, a team from the British-based international animal rescue group...

Pregnant young woman suffers horrific injuries as leopard attacks her in middle of bustling city

Third such incident in Guwahati, western India, in recent weeksBy TOM GARDNER A pregnant woman suffered serious injuries after being badly mauled by a leopard in India - the third such attack there in as many weeks.The big cat clamped its jaws around Akila Bibi's head and arms, leaving her with deep wounds to her scalp, after it when it strayed into the largest city the country's north-east Assam state.The woman, who is in her early twenties, is currently recovering in hospital. Her unborn child, due in three months, was unharmed by the ordeal.Savaged: Akila Bibi, who is in her 20s, is being treated for serious injuries after being attacked...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Call of the wild: How a Co-op security guard left Manchester, slipped on a loincloth and became Tarzan, King of the Jungle

He used to be a security guard at a Co-op food store in Manchester but now DeWet Du Toit IS Tarzan.The 24-year-old hung up his uniform and slipped into a leopardskin loin cloth to swing through the trees just like the jungle hero he idolises.Obsessed by the celluloid wildman, DeWet spends his days swinging through the African jungle.SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOWildman: Tarzan fan DeWet Du Toit spends his days swinging through the African jungle and sleeping in the wild at night.He can talk to the animals? Unemployed DeWet Du Toit strokes a cheetah as he lives the dream of being just like his hero TarzanAnd just like the fictional character the 24-year-old...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The grandma who's a mum again at 53... despite the fact she was still taking the Pill just in case

-'I love looking after my granddaughters - I never thought that I would be looking after another baby of my own' -Odds of conceiving naturally and giving birth to healthy baby at 53 same as winning the lotteryBy James Tozer and Lucy LaingAt the age of 53, Debbie Hughes imagined the only babies she would be looking after would be her granddaughters.Instead, despite taking the contraceptive Pill, she has become one of Britain's oldest ever naturally conceiving mothers – giving birth to a healthy baby boy named Kyle.Surprise delivery: Debbie Hughes with her new son Kyle who came despite his mother taking the pillMiss Hughes took a pregnancy test...

He wants a box at Man United, she wants a new carpet for the landing! Builder and his wife who won £41MILLION Euro lotto

-Gareth and Catherine Bull HAVEN'T told their two sons, aged nine and 10 -Mr Bull bought winning ticket on a whim when rain stopped him working -They vow to support breast cancer charities after Mrs Bull's mother was struck down by the disease five years agoBy Rob CooperLottery joy: Gareth and Catherine Bull revealed today they haven't yet told their two sons that they scooped almost £41million on the Euromillions last FridayA self-employed builder and his wife were celebrating today after scooping a bank account-busting £41m EuroMillions win - and they revealed while he plans to buy a box at Manchester United she will be happy splashing out...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We'll never forget you: Elephants say a sad farewell to baby who died of a heart defect

By Daily Mail ReporterA herd of grieving elephants gathers round the lifeless body of a little calf after she died of a heart defect.Three-month-old Lola was due to receive groundbreaking surgery for her condition but passed away during a preliminary scan.Keepers at Munich's Hellabrunn Zoo decided to return her body to the enclosure so mother Panang, 22, could say her goodbyes in peace. Scroll down to see a video of Lola playing in the zoo...Goodbye little one: An adult elephant tenderly nuzzles the lifeless body of baby Lola at Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich, Germany. The three-months-old calf was due for an operation on her defective heart but sadly...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Is this really fun for all the family? The giraffe hunters who pay £10,000 to shoot the gentle giants with guns and bows for sport

By Pamela OwenThe gentle giants are tracked down and killed so tourists can take home pictures showing they have killed the animalsTourist trophy hunters are paying thousands of pounds to go and shoot giraffes with high-powered guns and bows. The gentle giants are loved around the world for their comical appearance and gentle nature.Just like character 'Melman' played by Friend's-star David Schwimmer in Disney's Madagascar, they are a hit with kids who love their long necks and eyelashes.But shocking images show how scores of big-spending men and women - and even families - travel from across the globe, some even from Britain, to kill them for...

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